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This list is prepared for your convenience, but individuals should bring what works for them. Camp Mendocino can fluctuate in temperature, so we highly suggest bringing layers. At Camp Mendocino, you will be outdoors running, jumping, hiking, and much more – please bring clothes that you are willing to get dirty or worn out.

We limit campers to two bags on the bus to ensure everyone can fit comfortably. 

Camp Mendocino does not allow cell phones at Camp (and we don't have cell phone service anywhere at Camp!). If campers/teens bring them, they will be stored safely until campers/teens get back on the bus.


  • These are the suggested amounts.

  • All medication must be handed in at the bus departure to Camp staff before your camper boards the bus. All medications must be in the original bottles with directions for the medical staff at Camp.

  • Camp Mendocino is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged items.

  • Camp Mendocino does not allow drugs or alcohol at Camp for campers or staff. For campers, this also includes cigarettes, lighters, and any tobacco products.

  • Camp Mendocino is a nut free zone.


  • Warm Sleeping Bag

  • 1 Pillow

  • 2 Towels (1 for bath, 1 for swimming)

  • Toiletries:

    • Toothbrush

    • Toothpaste

    • Deodorant

    • Soap

    • Hair care products

    • Lotion

    • Feminine products

    • Bug spray

    • Sun Screen

    • Hand sanitizer


(The weather at Camp is hot during the day and cool at night. Layers are recommended.)

  • Pajamas

  • 10-12 Underwear

  • 1 Swimsuit

  • 5 Pairs of pants

  • 2-4 Pairs of shorts

  • 6-8 Short-sleeved t-shirts

  • 4-6 Long-sleeved shirts

  • 2-4 sweatshirts or sweaters

  • 1-2 Warm jackets


  • 1 Pair flip flops (for swimming or showers)

  • 1-3 Pairs of sneakers or hiking boots

  • 10 Pairs of socks



When filling out your camper's paperwork, there will be an opportunity to list any medication your camper takes regularly. It is very important that you send at least enough medication with your camper for their full session (6 or 8 days). 


​All medication must be turned in when your camper boards the bus in original bottles with directions (see Camp staff with questions about inhalers or EpiPens). Do not pack medication in your camper’s luggage. Camp provides first aid and over-the-counter medication as needed.


Camp provides first aid and over-the-counter medication as needed - no need to pack the basics.



  • Water bottle

  • Hat with visor for sun protection

  • Sunglasses

  • Beanie/warm hat


  • Laundry bag

  • Small backpack

  • Sunscreen

  • Journal, book, or coloring book for downtime

  • Flashlight or headlamp with batteries

  • Disposable camera



  • Camp Mendocino does not have internet or cell phone service, and thus, we do not allow cell phones at Camp. If campers bring them, they will be stored safely until campers get back on the bus.
    Weapons of any kind, including pocket knives

  • Animals or pets

  • iPods, video games, or other electronics

  • Clothing that divides or “represents” one group

  • Clothing that references weapons, drugs or alcohol, gangs, or offensive language

  • Money – if you would like your camper to have spending money for the Canteen, you can add money to their account online.

  • Lighters or matches

  • Camp Mendocino does not allow drugs or alcohol at Camp for campers or staff. For campers, this also includes cigarettes, lighters, and any tobacco products.

  • Camp Mendocino limits nuts on-site due to camper allergies. Please do not pack snacks with nuts.



Each session has certain days designated as theme days (like tie-dye, twins, superheroes). Campers are encouraged to bring items they can wear for their session’s theme days however costumes are not required. Many campers use resources at Camp to create outfits for these days. Creativity is encouraged! Specific theme days will be sent to families prior to the start of their sessions. 



  • We highly recommend labeling your camper's clothing using permanent marker or washable clothing labels

  • We will make every effort to return your camper with all of their items. We will hold on to any items left behind at Camp for 14 days after your camper's last day at Camp. If it is labeled, these items will be easier to get back to you. Unlabeled and unclaimed items after 14 days will be washed and donated. 

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